Please click on the below application icons with dedicated login or
Login through Single Sign-On (SSO) to access other applications and modules.
What is SSO?
- SSO stands for Single Sign-On
How can I login?
- Click on the Login option and enter your credentials (which is your Net ID & password), as explained below:
- In the sign in screen, enter the Domain\NetID followed by the NetID password
Example: If your NetID is amit.kumar, please enter SNU\amit.kumar as the User ID followed by your NetID password.
What is the advantage of SSO?
- Once you are logged in, there is no need to enter NetID & password again for the applications that support Single Sign-On (SSO), unless you log out or your session is timed out.
- SSO also improves network and application security as the information provided by the user, moves in an encrypted format across the network.
Which applications support SSO?
- All applications with white icons support SSO.
What about applications that don't support SSO?
- University ERP, HR ERP and Finance ERP have a dedicated login screens where you need to provide your credentials separately. The icons for these applications, will appear in blue colour.
Below examples explain how you can login to these applications:
University ERP - Enter only the NetID as the user ID (like amit.kumar)
HR ERP - Enter SNU\NetID as the user ID (like SNU\amit.kumar)
Finance ERP - Enter NetID as the user ID (like amit.kumar)
- For more information or any other issue please write to [email protected]
- For any help related with login or application access please write to:[email protected]